
Making tracks

The sidewalks in my neighborhood have been really ugly the past couple days. You must understand–even though I’ve lived in Montana for close to 30 years, I’ve never been comfortable walking on slick surfaces. I was raised in Southern California where the sidewalks are NEVER icy. It just doesn’t happen. I don’t mind walking in […]


Would you buy a used car from this rodent?

Punxsutawny Phil famously predicted an “early end to winter” this year. I’ve been trying to figure out exactly what that means.  First, consider the alternative–six more weeks of winter. By my calculations six weeks of winter would put the end at around March 16. The Spring Equinox is not until March 20–so six weeks is […]


Don’t Let the Green Grass Fool You

The only snow left in these parts is what’s left of snow plow mounds and tiny patches in shaded areas. This can mean only one thing. More snow is coming soon. At least that has been the pattern since the first snowfall in November. I have heard a rumor that winter does give way to […]


Snow plow sniping

Modern urban living requires snow plows. If we didn’t have snow plows, what would we have to complain about all winter? I’m pretty sure it’s one of the laws of physics that the snow plows can’t clear every street in town as soon as the flakes hit the pavement. I get that. It’s frustrating when […]