
Made it to 3202

Probably mostly drivel, but there you are. Now–on to more drivel tomorrow.


Gorgeous fall days

It’s November in Western Montana and that usually means lots of clouds and cold. We’ve been really luck this year with several bright sunny days in a row. I’m watching the weather report now and it looks like we’ll have more sunshine tomorrow. I’ll try to get out there with my camera and take a […]


NaNo Write In

We had our first Missoula write in today at Liquid Planet. We met, we drank coffee. We talked books. But mostly we typed. Five fearless writers at the big conference table. Me on the couch (I like comfy). All just typing away.  It was kind of comical. From my post on the couch, I could […]



We had our Missoula area kick-off today for NaNoWriMo.. Of course the actual writing begins in November. I’m quasi-participating this year. I’m not a real participant because I’m in the middle of a novel and I have to finish it. This doesn’t count for a NaNoWriMo, but I will make the 50,000 words this year. […]