
Characters on the brain

Today’s Daily Post topic hits close to my heart. Or more accurately my soul, which I believe hangs out in my brain. (And there’s a topic for another day). What character from a book can’t you stop thinking about? Answer: Lots of them. Having characters competing for attention inside my head is the reason I […]


Speaking Tips for Writers

I thought this was a good–short–article with speaking tips for writers. As a group, writers have a lot to say, but generally say it in written form. So what are we supposed to do when it comes time to stand up in front of a group (or even a huge crowd) and pass on our […]


Writing for dollars

Check out this Op-Ed Column by Gail Collins that appeared in the March 4th New York Times. In “Poison Pen”, Ms. Collins writes of recent politician faux pas of the literary variety. There are a couple of points of interest here. First, is the idea that a politician’s weak writing skills might deter the American […]


GSRWA Bullies

Not that GSRWA members are bullies. Just the opposite–this is a great, supportive group. Last Saturday we kicked off 2011 with a special all-day workshop presented by Jessica Morrell, the author of Bullies, Bastartds and Bitches among other books. It was a terrific day and Jessica gave us much to think about when writing a […]