
Photo Challenge: Light

Cameras are all about light. Not that I really understand the science, but I know it is light that makes a camera work. Back in the film days, it was the lens opening up and allowing light in to expose the film. I have no idea how that translates to the digital world, but I […]


Summer in the city

It’s been quite the summer. New York City. Hustle. Bustle. Back in Missoula, summers are especially quiet. The students of the University of Montana are mostly gone and the city’s population is reduced by about 10,000. The University area, where I live is especially peaceful with foot and car traffic greatly reduced. The big maple […]


New theme

It’s still me. Just a new theme for the sight. This one allows me to put my own picture in the header. The shot above is one I took of the Clark Fork River in Missoula a few weeks ago. I’m going to go back to playing so I can clean up the rest, but […]


Kim Williams Trail

Next to the University of Montana, there’s a trail that follows the Clark Fork River east. The trail was named for the famous nature lover and NPR commentator, Kim Williams. Jenny and I walked some of the trail on Monday, in the beautiful and unexpected sunshine. Kim Williams Nature Trail