

Jenny with me on the Clark Fork River

Jenny with me on the Clark Fork River

Teresa lives in Eastern Washington with her husband, dog and, 3 cats. She strives to write every day in between bouts of surfing the net and doing odd jobs to earn money. Learn more about her books at

No “h” really.

My mother passed the story on to me this way. Mom was in the hospital after I was born. My father was off telling everyone he knew that his daughter had been born when the nurse came in with a birth certificate form.

Mom figured she could fill it out–no problem. They’d agreed that a girl would be “ter” (pronounced as in “turtle”) ee–sa, which she thought was spelled, “Theresa”.

My father shows up later and freaks. My daughter will not be called “ther (pronounced as in “thermometer”) ee–sa”!

He immediately hunted down the birth certificate form and made the correction.

And so, I came to be raised with no “h”.

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