
South Perry Safari

The gorgeous blue skies on Sunday forced me out into the sunshine with camera and dog. From SouthPerrySafari Hey–it’s not easy doing the tripod and timer thing with a dog! Have you ever seen such blue skies? From SouthPerrySafari And interesting sites. A money plant? Silver dollar plant? I’m not sure what it’s called. I […]


Reason #37 why I love Montana

Okay–I confess that #37 is arbitrary since I haven’t actually worked out a full list of reasons. I do know reason #1 is the people. I don’t mean just the friends, whom I cherish. I mean Montanans as a whole. But that is an entirely different post for another day. Reason #37 is all about […]


It continues

That’s Reilly lounging on the floor. He stays, but most of those boxes are full (or in the process of getting filled) with stuff for Goodwill and Girl Scouts. There’s also a box full of white paper for recycle. Amazing how much out-dated white paper I have sitting around this place. Mostly Girl Scout training stuff and not manuscripts. I try to avoid printing manuscripts these days.